Sunday, April 10, 2011


Di Doodlings: BLOGMANIA HAS ARRIVED: "Finally, Blogmania is off and running. My Put a Spring in Your Step prize pack is worth over $200 to one lucky winner. Here are the prizes: ..."

Maxwell's Mommy!: Blog Mania April 9th - 11th Blog Hop Giveaway!

Maxwell's Mommy!: Blog Mania April 9th - 11th Blog Hop Giveaway!: "Welcome To Blog Mania 2011! I am so glad to be apart of this wonderful event!I have a lot of wonderful sponsors and they are o..."

FunFritzFamily: Blogmania 11

FunFritzFamily: Blogmania 11: "BlogMania is a 3 Day Event starting April 9th @ 12:00 a.m. thru April 11th @ 11:59 a.m I have some wonderful sponsors for Blogmania 2011. T..."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

FunFritzFamily: Philadelphia Cooking Creme Giveaway (2 Winners)

FunFritzFamily: Philadelphia Cooking Creme Giveaway (2 Winners): "Have you tried the NEW Philadelphia Cooking Cremes? They are so delicious! We made several dishes and loved them all. Omelet with Or..."

FunFritzFamily: Purex Complete Crystals Softener Review & Giveaway...

FunFritzFamily: Purex Complete Crystals Softener Review & Giveaway...: "Did you know most traditional liquid fabric softeners are oil based? Not me, I didn't! That means they work by coating your clothes in oil. ..."

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Idiot People

Idiot people just piss me off. They think they run this freaking world Hello bitches I am the queen No not really but they sure in the hell aren't either. Welcome 2011 I am hoping this year is so much better than the last, but it sure in the hell isn't off to a good start. It seems like everything that will go wrong is going wrong. The fake people are driving me at nuts they drive me crazy hello act like yourself dont put a show on for other people.